Who is this program for?

  • Ranch or feedyard horses.
  • Competitors preparing for championships.
  • Competitors living in isolated, rural areas.
  • Horsemen following traditional training methods.
  • Riders reluctant to show, but serious about pursuing better horsemanship.
  • Riders adhering to biomechanically correct training.
  • Rescued horses too old to be shown in a snaffle (or bosal) under existing show horse rules.

Ranch horses have been our partners, our heroes, since long before the show pen was invented. These exceptional athletes are well trained, versatile and a joy to ride. Whether on the ranch or in the show pen, ranch horse owners know that a good horse always has his back. Now, there is a class you can bring your good ranch horse to, and expect to see the skills of the ranch rewarded.

The Ranch Horse Program:

Straight out of the training pages of Dr. Michael Guerini, Julie Slater and Mike Marquez, three trainers with a deep connection to the cowboy community and a long history on the ranch, ranch horse tests reflect the skills a good horse has to learn to succeed on the ranch. They incorporate lateral work, speed control, turnarounds and transitions.  Engagement and softness in the bridle are rewarded,

Pick a category:

Ranch Reining Online Tests

General Horsemanship

For horses developing a better skillset for trail, ranch or feedyard work, and a good western supplement for western and cowboy dressage.

All GH Tests...
Ranch Reining Online Tests

Ranch Reining

Reining, Working Cowhorse, Working Equitation competitors or those just seeking to improve their western skills.

All RR Tests...
Ranch Reining Online Tests

Obstacle Skills

For those seeking to supplement their testing skills for ranch races like EXCA, ASHA, CTV and working equitation. 

All OSTests...

Pick a level:

Level 1 (Foundation)

Walk, Jog-Trot, Long Trot, Circle, Transitions, Stop, Hesitation, 1/4 Turn, Changes of Bend.

All Level 1 Tests

Level 2 (Progression)

1/2 Turnaround, Lateral, Back. 

All Level 2 Tests

Level 3 (Connection)

Full Turnaround, Lope Circle, Lateral at the jog-trot

All Level 3 Tests

Level 4 (Expansion)

Simple Change of Lead, Lengthened Trot, Lope on a straight line

All Level 4 Tests

Level 5 (Transformation)

Flying Changes, Lope-Stop Transitions, Rollback, 2 Full Turnarounds

All Level 5 Tests

Level 6 (Completeness)

Small Lope Circle, Extended Lope, Rollback at the Lope

All Level 6 Tests

Show your horse:

  • 24/7 Evaluation
  • Enter a Nationwide Show

The Ranch Horse Program bridges the gap between traditional western training and modern live shows:

We allow the use of the snaffle for any age of horse, but require that you ride with one hand when a curb bit is used. Take a look at our equipment rules, where you will find which tack is permitted.

Our judges will use the NAWD Objective Judging System, which is based on the classical training pyramid.  Credit for this concept goes to Andrew McLean, PhD. International Society for Equitation Science.